Mentoring Resources, Tools and Tips


The NZBWN mentoring programme enables network members to get started on their own individual journeys to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and realise their aspirations.

Here are some resources, tools and tips that we recommend:

1. Get ready for mentoring:

  • Clarify your mentoring goals and expectations by considering …
    • Which of my development needs are the most critical?
    • Where is the greatest urgency to take action?
    • What kind of mentoring experiences and learning opportunities will I need?

2. Tips for developing an effective mentoring relationship:

  • Take personal responsibility for directing your own growth
  • Evaluate and be able to articulate your own development needs
  • Establish and communicate clear goals and specific objectives
  • Initiate a variety of mentoring experiences and learning opportunities
  • Demonstrate your willingness to learn and develop
  • Be open to new ideas and different perspectives
  • Provide mentors with feedback on their inputs
  • Be sensitive to your mentor’s time and constraints
  • Show your commitment to the relationship by following through on actions

3. Articles and Research:

4. Useful Links:

Looking for public appointments (such as chair or non-executive director for board of a public body or as a member of an advisory committtee)?


Information about the NZBWN Mentoring Programme can be found here and here, and feel free to contact the NZBWN Mentor Programme Team if you have any questions.





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