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NZBWN Mentoring Programme

Our unique mentoring programme is an ongoing initiative that enables network members to jump-start their own individual journeys towards overcoming challenges, seizing opportunities, and realising their aspirations in any area of their life.

The programme embraces our values to Learn, Inspire and Connect and helps micro communities of support to form within our network to actively encourage and nurture each other’s growth.

 Applications are now open for the next peer mentoring groups – Applications open

So what does the programme look like?

It is a face-to-face long-term themed peer-mentoring programme comprised of multiple mentoring groups that are being rolled out over time. Each mentoring group consists of six selected individuals united by a common theme. The initial six sessions are led by a mentor who will provide leadership and guidance. After those initial sessions the groups are encouraged to continue with group-facilitated peer-mentoring.

Every group offers network members a supportive environment to unlock their potential and enables esteemed leaders from within the network to give-back to our community by sharing their wisdom, experience, best practices, and connections.

Mentor group members will be challenged, motivated, and/or inspired in ways that help them identify opportunities, evaluate options and overcome obstacles.


“I gained a much better grasp of how investors and business people look at strategy, information, products, etc and a fresh boost of confidence to grow my business to the next level. The mentoring programme gave me a precious opportunity to be listened to and evaluated by an accomplished businesswoman with real-life experience of how things work. Our mentor was engaged, thoughtful, and innovative — and getting her pragmatic advice and guidance was a real benefit. She was highly supportive and encouraging of my business aspirations, opportunities, and challenges, but didn’t sugar-coat what business is really all about. Our mentee group collectively represented a wealth of experience and the ideas and enthusiasm of the group was invigorating.”

Louise Chunn, Founder of Welldoing ( UK-wide find a therapist directory site and wellbeing resource

Programme Principles:

• Supported: Small supportive groups where confidentiality is respected.

• Open: Receptive and honest groups that challenge each other to extend the boundaries of their comfort levels.

• Progressive: Ensure everyone finishes better equipped than they started.

• Respectful: Willingness to learn from a diverse group that values each other’s input.

• Curious: An attitude of interest and curiosity, open to considering everything.

• Generous: The more each member gives their group the more they will gain individually.

• Committed: Fully embracing group and self development requires 100% attendance.


Past themes:

  • Empowering new leaders to positively impact their teams (started February 2015)
  • Scaling up and taking your business to the next level (started March 2015)
  • Moving from start-up idea to start-up reality (started April 2015)
  • Successfully progressing your career (started October 2015)
  • Clarity around your career change (started November 2015)
  • Changing direction in your career (started November 2015)
  • Traversing change #1 & #2 (started May 2016)
  • Getting a board role (started May 2016)
  • Careers & Staying relevant in the marketplace (started May 2017)
  • Traversing change #3 (started September 2017)
  • Freelancing – preparing to go it alone! (started September 2017)
  • Starting and Growing your business (January 2018)
  • Changing Direction in your career (January 2018)
  • Hustle & Hush (May 2018)
  • Leadership & Influence (May & September 2018, April 2019)
  • Public Speaking (September 2018)
  • Career Acceleration (April 2019)
  • Scale your Business (April 2019)
  • Growing your career – against the odds (September 2019)
  • Mind the gap (September 2019)
  • Start up and scale up (September 2019)

Potential future themes:

  • Creative Industry
  • Productivity
  • Traversing a major change – be that in business, career, lifestyle or location
  • Business Development – creating opportunities for new business value

 New themes will be added subject to demand and identifying suitable mentors. Take a look at the themes that NZBWN members have told us they would like to see as part of the programme.


“I found the NZBWN Mentoring Group for “growing your business” to be of real benefit.  It was a great forum to meet other Kiwi women who were at different stages with their businesses but were struggling with similar questions and problems.  Although everyone’s business was very different, there were similar challenges and it was great to hear each individual’s approach and get suggestions from the group.  Emma Loisel, who lead the group was brilliant.  Her knowledge and energy was very inspiring and having her ask us the tough questions about our businesses was a great way to learn what’s important and where we should focus.  This has really helped me to understand what I should be focussing on at this point and what key metrics I needed to understand to help take my business to the next stage.  If you have reached a plateau within your business or are not sure where you need to focus to grow your business, I would recommend joining one of the NZBWN mentoring groups.”

Bridgette Sinclair, Associate Director, Australasian Recruitment Company (


 “I was in the very fortunate position to be in attendance of Jude’s first mentoring group. When I enrolled I had reached a point in my life that I knew I needed change but didn’t know what or how. She used techniques that made us as individuals think and then challenge each other in the safe group environment and from that began to construct some deep motives and ultimately plans to set goals to achieve those dreams. In a visual way to describe how I felt, I was like a volcano about to burst but the eruption would have been ugly and all over the place making a mess.  However since undertaking the course with Jude’s guidance now still feel like I’m a volcano but with a positive energy and clear channels for it to go. I have since gone on to make those life changes with a complete career change and long term goals set for what I ultimately want to achieve. I went onto read and learn about other changes to compliment what had been started. Jude is very gentle in her approach but when things go off track she guides it back to the core but she creates it by not telling us what to do but by challenging our own thinking and making us responsible for our own thoughts and actions. Can’t recommend more highly!” 

Miriam Ingram, Photographer turned Property Developer



mentor applyAs new themes and groups are continuously launched it is important to be a member of the NZBWN to receive all the latest information. For more details about the application process and how to apply to be on the mentor programme, click here.

If you have any questions or queries about this initiative, please contact the Mentor Programme Team:







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